Create Goals, Not Resolutions

Hello Lovelies!!

The most wonderful time of the year is not over! The first of January 2019 will be here soon, and with the new year comes new years resolutions. Now this is by far my favorite time of the year (it’s Capricorn season!!), but I am not one for new years resolutions.

No More Resolutions

You read that correctly – I love the new year but I strongly dislike resolutions. I just do not believe in them and I find the concept can be damaging for some people. However, one positive alternative to resolutions is a goals list. Similar to the new years resolution, the goals list encourages someone to reflect on the past year and imagine one’s future. The difference between the two is mostly psychological. New years resolutions can be too general and eventually lower one’s self-esteem, while goals, when set in a specific, positive manner, can help anyone visualize future success.

2019 Is A Time For Positivity

In the video below, I explain more clearly my thoughts on resolutions and my goals for the upcoming year!

Now once you have reflected on the new year, it is time to create a meaningful goals list! You may have a general idea of what you would like to accomplish this year, but it can be a lot to think about. Maybe, you want to boost your GPA in school, get a raise, or perfect a new craft! To make these goals a reality, the first few weeks are the best time to PLAN AHEAD and GET ORGANIZED!


The first thing to ask yourself is, “what do I want to do?” Is there a grade or position you wish to have though it seems just out of reach? To visualize these ideas, make your list! A goals list is simple to create: just write down what you ultimately want to accomplish, as intimidating as it may seem.

Personally, I make multiple goals lists throughout the year. For the new year I create a master goals list of what I hope to achieve in the coming year, and each month I evaluate how I will make strides for what I want using a less intimidating, more attainable goals list.

A “master” Goals List can be more broad or long-term. An example of one of my own goals list might look like this!

2019 GOALS

  • reach 10,000 followers on Instagram
  • become a full-time influencer
  • move out independently
  • pray more
  • give back regularly

Some of the goals listed above may seem vague, and because these goals are more broad, they require a more detailed plan to make them happen. This is where the more detailed planning comes in! Now that you know your goals, try asking yourself how you will achieve them!


To achieve the many goals of the goals list, a detailed plan is required. For example, if I include “get an A in Chemistry” on my list, I should also figure out how to make this goal happen. Here are some of the more detailed elements of this plan (get it? elements!).


  • go to every class! (set an alarm!)
  • take detailed notes
  • review notes right after class
  • do homework within 2 days of it being posted
  • go to office hours with homework and lecture questions
  • start studying for exams 1 to 2 weeks ahead!

One goal that has been very important to me for the past year is growing THIS BLOG! While I did not meet all my blog-related goals for the past year, I still have many accomplishments of which I am so proud including weekly blog posts, consistency with social media, and some really cool collaborations!

Final Thoughts

In the spirit of the new year, I hope that you all can rest and reflect so you can create your own goals! May this year be the year you achieve everything you wish! Happy New Year!
