The Best Thing You Can Do To Elevate Your Wardrobe

Hello Lovelies!

Today I am going to elaborate on a previous topic: the capsule wardrobe. I have been living minimally lately and when it comes to clothes I love to stick to a select few. What makes the capsule wardrobe great is sticking to high quality products so that they bring classic style and last a long time!

My favorite thing right now is the silk top!! It’s having a huge moment both for winter and early spring. Unlike the typical white button down shirt, incorporating a well made silk blouse can add so much to simple looks.

I’ve started wearing silk tops mostly with denim or other outfits where a clean t shirt would be acceptable. This may sound odd but this way you can mix and match your basics and the quality of the top adds so much to the overall look!

For example I love to do this style tucked into jeans with any long fun coat like a trench or peacoat with fun booties! You can still do the business formal style with silk obviously but it is so fun to feel put together in something casual!

And for the style of blouse you can do anything! I recommend off-white colors but plenty of other neutrals look good too! You can go basic with a button down or look for something more blousy or go with a bow! These all work with a variety of of outfits in similar ways so go with what works for you!

Last thing, silk can be expensive, but it is an investment and you do not have to pay full price! I found my favorite silk blouse on clearance so I’ve added it and some other good ones to this style board for you here!

Hope you have fun feeling put together with your new elevated style!
