Renter-Friendly Decor Ideas

Hello Lovelies!

Now that we are deep into the apartment series, I got a request to do this topic and I absolutely love it! Renting can be a challenge when you have specific decor or style ideas in mind, so I am going to show you how I decorate with my deposit in mind! These ideas mostly cover wall decor but you never know what cool things you can create!

Read Everything You Can On Nails and Screws

Personally I prefer nails or screws over sticky strips because they likely cause less overall damage. Most apartments will allow these, but no matter the policy always cover them yourself before move out! Even if you do not have the matching paint the material to fill these holes is only about five dollars at any hardware store!

Ask To Make Changes

If there is something you do not want installed in the apartment, maybe to save space, ask the building if it can be removed – that way you do not have to deal with working around it yourself! For me, I wasn’t interested in the built in shoe rack featured in my closet, and having it professionally removed allowed for more space for my long dresses!

Wall Stickers

This is my favorite! If you want to add character to a space but cannot use paint, use wall stickers! Before I moved I spent a lot of time shopping Etsy for small wall dots (an easy project for one of the bathroom walls) and a large semi-circle wall sticker for the bedroom! This gives the look of a unique paint job without the commitment, and what I love most is how it makes the space fun and different!

Fill Open Spaces

Sounds weird but if you have a window sill or open shelves in the kitchen or even spaces too small for shelves, try finding fun ways to fill them! Personally I have been working to add various plants to my window sill (a lot of plants) and this has turned into quite the fun decor project! In the same way if you have a random empty corner maybe a large vase or mirror could bring it together!

Furniture Is Art Too

If you are still shopping apartment furniture, remember that every piece also plays and important role in the artistic expression of the space. Maybe a chair or coffee table can bring some needed character! Lastly, have fun with the small things like shower curtains or fun pieces in the entryway!
