How To Not Be A Clueless Idiot When Dating From Said Clueless Idiot

How To Not Be A Clueless Idiot When Dating From Said Clueless Idiot

Hello Lovelies! It's been a while since I have shared a lighthearted, creative post on this page and as I tease this dating content I figure there is no better time to start releasing it! I have wanted to share various dating horror stories but I have remained hesitant to do so as those stories [...]

Dating With Intention

Dating With Intention

Hello Lovelies!! I am not going to introduce this article with a cheesy "getting pretty vulnerable here" statement, because I have been vulnerable and that is something I want to shamelessly continue to do. In being so open I hope to inspire, to teach you all something important for your own lives. So introductions aside, [...]